Is Windows 12 ISO Download Available?



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Windows 10 was supposed to be Microsoft’s final version of Windows, but then we got news that there was going to be another version called Windows 11.

This version was released on the 5th of October 2021 so it was quite a gap between Windows 10 which was released on the 29th of July 2015.

So the question is can you download the Windows 12 ISO now? and if not when will the Windows 12 .iso be available for the public to get our hands on?

Is Windows 12 .ISO Download Available?

Bad news, unfortunately at the moment there is no way you can download a Windows 12 ISO. If a website is claiming that you can get it from them, then the chances are it is going to be fake and contain malware/viruses.

So I would recommend you stay away from downloading from any website that claims you can get it unless of course, it’s the official Microsoft website. But seeing as Windows 12 has not even been confirmed this will be unlikely.

When Is Windows 12 Coming Out?

At the moment there is no official release date for Windows 12 and Microsoft has not even confirmed that it is a thing. The next version of Windows might not even be called twelve it could be named something totally different, or they could skip the number and go to Windows 13.

So for now we will have to wait and see, but rumors are we might see Windows 12 arrive in 2024.

Final Thoughts About Windows 12 ISO Download

So there you have it, Windows 12 is not available from Microsoft to download just yet. I am really looking forward to seeing what the new operating system will have to offer, but until we see some sort of trailer video from Microsoft we will not be able to get the operating system until then.

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