How to Check Password Expiration with the Net User Command

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In this guide, we will be taking a look at net user password expires!

In the world of Windows system administration, managing user accounts and their passwords is a routine task. One important aspect of this task is keeping track of when passwords expire, especially in environments with strict security policies that require users to change their passwords regularly.

The “Net User” command is a powerful tool included with Windows that can help administrators monitor password expiration dates for user accounts.

As I have already said this guide will walk you through the steps to check password expiration using the “Net User” command.

What is the “Net User” Command?

The “Net User” command is a command-line utility in Windows that allows administrators to add, remove, and modify user accounts on computers.

It can be used to display all kinds of information about user accounts, including the password’s last set date, password expiration date, and whether the password is required to expire at all.

Accessing the Command Prompt

To use the “Net User” command, you first need to access the Command Prompt with administrative privileges. Here’s how:

  1. Search for CMD: Click on the Start menu and type “cmd” or “Command Prompt” in the search bar.
  2. Run as Administrator: Right-click on the Command Prompt and select “Run as administrator” to open it with the necessary permissions.

Using the “Net User” Command

Checking Password Expiration for a Specific User

To check the password expiration date for a specific user, follow these steps:

  1. Open Command Prompt as Administrator: Follow the steps mentioned above to open the Command Prompt with administrative privileges.
  2. Type the Command: Enter the following command, replacing “username” with the actual name of the user account you want to check:
   net user username
  1. Review the Output: After executing the command, you will see various details about the user account. Look for the lines that say “Password last set” and “Password expires” to find out when the password was last changed and when it will expire.

Checking Password Expiration for All Users

If you want to check the password expiration for all user accounts on a system, you will need to use a combination of commands. Unfortunately, the “Net User” command does not directly offer a feature to list expiration dates for all users at once. However, you can list all user accounts and then check each one individually.

  1. List All User Accounts: First, list all user accounts on the computer with the following command:
   net user
  1. Check Each User Individually: Then, use the “Net User” command for each user account listed in the output of the previous command to check their password expiration dates, as described in the previous section.

Automating the Process

For administrators managing multiple accounts, checking each account individually can be time-consuming. In such cases, scripting can help automate the process.

PowerShell scripts, for example, can be used to fetch and display the password expiration date for all user accounts more efficiently.


Monitoring password expiration dates is crucial for maintaining security and ensuring that users change their passwords regularly. The “Net User” command, despite its limitations in listing expiration dates for all users at once, is a valuable tool for administrators to check password expiration for individual accounts.

With a little bit of scripting, the process can be automated, making it easier to manage user accounts in a Windows environment.

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