How to Fix “Checking Media Presence” Error

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If you’ve encountered the frustrating “Checking Media Presence” error message on your computer, you’re not alone.

This error can pop up during boot, often leaving users puzzled about how to resolve it.

Don’t worry, though. In this guide, I will show you simple and easy to follow steps to fix this issue and get your computer up and running smoothly.

What is the “Checking Media Presence” Error Message?

The “Checking Media Presence” error typically appears as a brief message on your computer screen during the boot-up sequence.

This message can vary slightly depending on your computer’s manufacturer, but it usually contains the words “Checking Media Presence” or similar terms.

Why Does the Error Occur? This error occurs for a specific reason, and it is often associated with the computer’s boot process such as a fault with your hard drive, the boot sequence being incorrect or the drive with your OS installed on can not be found.

How to Fix “Checking Media Presence” Error

Use the below methods to troubleshoot and fix the media presence error message that you are getting on your computer.

Check Your Hardware Connections:

Before diving into software solutions, let’s start with the basics.

Ensure that all your hardware components, including hard drives, SSDs, and cables, are securely connected.

Sometimes, a loose connection can trigger the “Checking Media Presence” error.

Restart Your Computer:

A simple restart can often resolve minor glitches. If the error appears, try restarting your computer.

Sometimes, it might be a temporary issue that clears up with a reboot.

Disable Network Boot (PXE Boot):

The “Checking Media Presence” error often occurs due to the system attempting to boot from the network.

To disable this option:

Reboot your computer.

Enter the BIOS or UEFI settings by pressing the appropriate key (usually F2, F12, or Del) during the boot process.

Look for the “Boot” or “Boot Order” settings.

Disable “Network Boot” or “PXE Boot” as a boot option.

Save your changes and exit the BIOS/UEFI.

Check Boot Order:

Ensure that your system is set to boot from the correct device (usually your internal hard drive or SSD).

Follow these steps:

Access the BIOS/UEFI settings as described in step 3.

Adjust the boot order to prioritize your primary storage device.

Save your changes and exit.

Run Hardware Diagnostics:

Some computers have built-in diagnostics tools that can help identify hardware issues.

Refer to your computer’s manual for instructions on how to run these diagnostics.

It can be a valuable step in troubleshooting hardware-related problems.

Test Your Storage Device:

To ensure your storage device is functioning correctly, you can use it on another computer if possible.

If it works on another system, the problem may be related to your computer’s hardware.

Perform a Windows Startup Repair (Windows Users), if you’re using Windows, you can attempt a startup repair:

Insert a Windows installation or recovery USB drive.

Boot from the USB drive.

Select “Repair your computer.”

Choose “Troubleshoot” > “Advanced options” > “Startup Repair.”

Reinstall or Replace Storage Device:

If all else fails and you suspect a faulty storage device, you may need to consider reinstalling your operating system or replacing the storage device.

Consult a professional if you’re uncertain about how to proceed as you don’t want to lose any of your important data.


The “Checking Media Presence” error can be frustrating, but with these steps, you should be well on your way to resolving it.

Remember to check your hardware connections, disable network boot options, and verify your boot order. If the problem persists, consider running hardware diagnostics or testing your storage device.

For Windows users, a startup repair can also be a helpful step. By following these simple and direct instructions, you can get your computer back in working order.

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