When it comes to playing The Sims 4 it can take a very long time to get cash and save for a new house so you can move your sims into that house. Luckily there is a faster way of doing this but it requires cheating.
Within The Sims 4 you can use a very handy cheat code called freerealestate that will allow you to get free houses, so you can move your sims into a new house even if they cannot actually afford to buy the property yet.
Sounds pretty cool right? before you can do the cheat first you need to enable cheats in The Sims 4 but don’t worry this can all be done with ease in the game as I explain below.
How to use the Sims 4 free real estate cheat
Open the command console in The Sims 4 by pressing Shift + Ctrl + C
To enable TestingCheats, type the below into the command console then press Enter
testingcheats on
Now type the below command to enable free real estate cheat in The Sims 4 then press Enter
freerealestate on
You can close The Sims 4 command console by pressing Shift + Ctrl + C again
Now go ahead and move your sim family anywhere you like.
There you have it that’s how you can easily activate the free real estate cheat in Sims 4, I hope it helped and you have now moved your sims into the house of their dreams.