XMP Keeps Crashing Games

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Is XMP causing your games to crash and if it is then why? In this post, we will be taking a look at XMP. When it comes to PC gaming, performance, and stability are very important.

Gamers spend a lot of money on decent hardware to enjoy smooth graphics and good looking graphics while playing. Overclocking memory through XMP (Extreme Memory Profile) has become a popular method to boost system performance. However, while XMP can deliver noticeable performance gains, it is not without its problems, which is why you are currently reading this.

One such thing is the potential for XMP to cause games to crash. So as I said above in this post, we will explore how XMP can lead to game crashes, and provide methods you can do to hopefully resolve the issue.

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What Is XMP?

XMP is an Intel-developed technology that allows users to access higher-than-standard memory frequencies and timings pre-configured by memory manufacturers. This offers an easy way to optimize memory performance without manually tweaking settings in the BIOS and then doing it incorrectly.

AMD systems also have a similar feature called DOCP (DRAM Overclocking Performance Profiles). So basically XMP and DOCP allow users to tap into their RAM’s full potential, giving them improved system responsiveness, application performance, and of course improving performance in games.

Why Is XMP Causing Game Crashes?

While XMP is supposed to improve performance, having the feature enabled can sometimes lead to unexpected issues causing problems like game crashes. These game crashes can occur due to a few reasons:


Overclocking memory introduces the risk of instability. XMP profiles often push memory modules beyond their rated specifications, which is the main purpose of the feature. This can result in crashes, and system freezes, particularly during demanding tasks like gaming.

Voltage Imbalance

XMP profiles can sometimes increase memory voltage to ensure stable operation at higher frequencies. But you guessed it if the voltage is set too high or there’s an imbalance, it can lead to crashes.


Not all CPUs, motherboards, and memory or other hardware within your system play well together with XMP. So just like anything compatibility issues can arise and again the result is your PC games crashing with XMP enabled.

Thermal Concerns

Overclocking generates more heat, and this can lead to more problems if your system does not have the proper cooling. So higher temperatures could also contribute to game crashes.

How To Fix XMP Game Crashes

Below I have listed a few methods that you can use to troubleshoot and hopefully fix XMP causing your games to crash.


Manufacturers often release BIOS updates that improve system stability and compatibility. So the first thing to do is make sure your motherboard’s BIOS is up to date to minimize XMP issues.

Check for Updates

Same as above make sure your motherboard and CPU have the latest firmware and driver updates. These updates can address compatibility issues that might cause your game crashes, and doing this could also improve performance.

Test and Adjust

Instead of using the highest available XMP profile, try lower profiles to find the best stable profile. If you know how to you could always manually adjust memory timings and voltages to achieve stability, but this can be a tricky task.

Monitor Temps

Use monitoring software to keep an eye on your hardware temperatures. If temperatures are too high, consider improving your computer cooling to prevent overheating-related crashes, or lower some of those settings.

Memory Stress Testing

Run some software on your computer to stress test your system for problems. You can use tools like Prime95 to determine if your system can handle the selected XMP profile without crashing.

This can also help you identify any stability issues before having to wait for annoying game crashes.

Final Thoughts

XMP offers a way to unlock the full potential of your memory and get better gaming performance. However, it’s important to ensure your system is stable and able to handle XMP enabled.

Game crashes attributed to XMP can often be fixed with a bit of careful tweaking, monitoring, and compatibility checks but you need to know what you are doing.

Just remember that every system is unique, so finding the best settings might require some trial and error, just because one setting works on someone else’s PC does not mean it will work on yours.

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