Windows 10 Wordpad Options Not Showing Properly

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Wordpad Missing Option Buttons At The Top

In this Windows 10 post, we will be showing you how to sort the ribbon within Wordpad not displaying correctly on your PC or laptop.

If you have not got the settings icons showing at the top of Wordpad then there is a simple reason behind this, and it will be because you have minimised the ribbon. It can easily be done and when it’s done it autohides the ribbon within Wordpad.

Expand Ribbon In Wordpad In Windows 10:

1. Open Wordpad

2. Once open at the top of Wordpad you should see an arrow to the right side

3. Click on the arrow and it will then display the ribbon with all of the icons again

There you have it that’s how you can display the icons not showing at the top of Wordpad and expand the ribbon. As nice and clean as it looks to have the ribbon not expanded, it can then be annoying having to keep clicking onto Home or View.

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