How To Set Up Remote Play On Your PS5

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In this post, we will be taking a look at how to enable the remote play option on your PlayStation 5.

If you are having problems trying to connect to your PS5 to do remote play from your PC, then the most likely cause is that the remote play option has not been enabled on your PlayStation 5.

If you are not sure what Remote Play on the PlayStation 5 is it basically allows you to play your games remotely from your PS5 on other devices that support the remote play app.

Your PlayStation 5 will need to be turned on and connected to the internet for remote play to work

How To Set Up Remote Play On Your PS5

1. Turn on your PS5

2. Go across to the settings cog in the top right-hand corner and open Settings

3. Click on System

4. Go down to Remote Play > Go across and click on Enable Remote Play so that it is toggled to On

There you have it you will now be able to remote play from your PlayStation 5 to other devices. No longer do you have to just stay sat on your sofa to play your PS5 games, you can be on the move playing your PS5 on your phone or sit at your computer and resume play your games. Just as long as your PS5 is on and connected to the internet.

If you are having issues being able to use the PS Remote Play and you are trying to remote play from a computer, then check out this post here.

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