How To Change Eraser Size In Paint

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In this guide, we will be taking a look at how to increase the rubber size in Paint I have also added the steps to decrease the eraser size. As you have probably already noticed the rubber size is kind of limited within MS Paint when it comes to using the size option within the ribbon. But what you might not know is that we can actually increase the eraser size or decrease the eraser size and this can be done within both Windows 10 and Windows 11.

Paint came preinstalled with the very first version of Windows which was Windows 1.0 back in 1985, and if you have never used or seen what Microsoft Paint looked like back then it has defiantly changed a lot. If you do want to see how the very first MS Paint looked search it within Google Images, I think you will be surprised how it looks, and yes even back then we had an eraser in MS Paint.

The eraser/rubber in Paint is very handy when you need to make changes to an image or picture. It allows us to erase sections of the image so being able to increase or decrease the eraser size brush more than the options we are given comes in handy.

How to change eraser size in Paint

Below are the steps showing you how to change the eraser size in Paint Windows 10 and Windows 11.

How to increase eraser size in Paint:

When you are within MS Paint you need to select the Rubber/Eraser tool

Now you need to hold down Ctrl on your keyboard and press + on the Numpad to increase the eraser size in Paint

How to decrease eraser size in Paint:

Within MS Paint you need to select the Rubber/Eraser tool first

If you want to decrease the eraser brush size in Paint you need to hold down Ctrl on your keyboard and press – on the Numpad

So just to recap below is how you can change the Paint eraser size.

  • Increase Paint eraser size by pressing: Ctrl and + on Numpad
  • Decrease Paint eraser size by pressing: Ctrl and – on Numpad

If you do get stuck then we have a fantastic video here showing the steps of changing the eraser size in Paint on YouTube.

That brings me to the end of this guide I hope it has helped you change the size of your eraser brush size in Microsoft Paint, if you liked this guide then I am sure you would like our other Windows guides.

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