How To Unpublish Wix Site



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Unpublish Wix website.

Have you built a site on Wix and now want to unpublish it? Well, don’t worry because it’s not actually that difficult to do. In this guide, l will be showing you how to unpublish your website from

This will mean that if visitors try and visit your website, they will no longer be able to view it as it will be offline. If you do change your mind and want to publish your site again you can do this easily within the Wix Editor.

Perhaps you just need to take a break from your website, move to a different web host/ platform, or perhaps you have just decided you have had enough and want to delete it. Regardless of why you want to unpublish your Wix site, this guide will show you how to do it.

How To Unpublish Wix Site

Below is a step-by-step on how you can take your Wix site offline by unpublishing it, and it is very easy and straightforward to do on your PC or laptop.

1. First, go to your Wix dashboard

2. Now click on My Sites > Then Go to My Sites

Selecting "My Sites" in

3. Hover over the Wix website that you want to unpublish and click Select & Edit Site

Selecting edit in the Wix website manager.

4. In the left menu click Settings and then Website settings

wix.xom going to your website settings.

5. Next to “Site is published” you will see an Unpublish button > You simply need to click on this

Unpublish Wix button in the website settings.

6. You will now have a message pop up letting you know that once you unpublish, your website won’t be visible to visitors.

Wix unpublish your website warning.

7. There you have it your website is now unpublished and visitors will no longer be able to view your website until you publish it again.

Wix website settings saying website is unpublished.

Final thoughts

So if you were asking the question can I unpublish a website on, then as you can see from above that it is easy and straightforward! But if you have got stuck or struggling, then you could always reach out to customer support for assistance with making your site unpublished.

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