Party Animals Demo Rewards Missing

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Party Animals Demo Rewards Missing? Check out this article!

In this short guide, we are going to be taking a look at how you can fix your Party Animals Demo Rewards Missing. If you were lucky enough to play Party Animals back in 2020 then you most likely remember that you would be given a Pigeon skin and 10 egg coins.

But this is not the case for some players and you have probably noticed that there is no notification or anything to suggest that you played Party Animals back in 2020 and unclocked special rewards. Don’t panic as there is a fix!

Related: Party Animals Online not working

How To Fix Party Animals Demo Rewards missing

The first and easiest thing to do is go to your locker and ensure that your rewards are not there.

If you still cannot see your Pigeon skin and egg coins, then the next thing to do is simply restart your game.

The devs are hard at work fixing server-related problems at the moment and demo rewards not showing are also another thing they are sorting.

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