How To Boot In PS5 Safe Mode

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How to PlayStation 5 boot in safe mode

In this guide, we will be taking a look at how to boot your PS5 in safe mode. If you are experiencing some issues with your PlayStation 5 then you might need to enter into safe mode, as it has a few options available that can help you in trying to fix your PS5 console.

The PS5 is a great addition to the PlayStation family and it’s one of our favorite consoles. But although the console has been out for a while now that does not suggest it will not have its issues. And using its in-built safe mode is a great way of trying to resolve some of those issues.

Why start in PS5 safe mode?

PlayStation safe mode is a great way to try to troubleshoot and fix what is causing your PlayStation 5 console problems. It has several different options available to choose from to help you fix your PS5.

PS5 Safe Mode options:

  • Restart PS5
  • Change Video Output
  • Update System Software
  • Restore Default Settings
  • Clear Cache and Rebuild Database
  • Reset PS5
  • Reset PS5 (Reinstall System Software)

Related: How to Power Cycle PS5

How to put PS5 in safe mode

Below are the steps for entering your PlayStation 5 into safe mode.

1. Turn off your PS5 and ensure its not in rest mode

2. Press & hold the power button on the console and release it after the second beep

3. Plug in your Dualsense controller into your PlayStation 5 using the USB cable

4. You will now see a list of different options and it will say Safe Mode at the top

Safe mode showing a list of all the PlayStation 5 options.

That’s how you enter safe mode on a PlayStation 5, which is very simple to do. Hopefully, you will now be able to use one of the options to resolve the issue you are currently having with your console.

If you found this guide helpful then you should check out our other PlayStation 5 guides.

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