Uninstall Flash Player From Your Windows PC!
Adobe Flash Player was a popular plug-in for your web browsers which allowed you to view certain content such as; watching videos, playing games, and listening to audio.
Unfortunately from December 31st 2020 Adobe has decided to discontinue and no longer support this awesome Flash Player and it will no longer receive any updates.
As Flash Player is no longer supported, there is no need to keep it on your Windows PC as it could be a security risk and Adobe does highly recommend that you uninstall it from your PC or laptop.
You can completely uninstall Adobe Flash Player by using an uninstaller and removing some files.
****Top Tip****
To remove any files on your PC you will need to have an admin account
To remove and uninstall Adobe Flash Player:
1. Click on Adobe Flash Player Uninstaller link here > Scroll down and click on Uninstaller > Press Save File
2. Close down all open web browsers on your PC > Open location of where you saved the download (If Windows 10 it will be in your Downloads folder in File Explorer)
3. Double click on the download (.exe file) and run the Adobe Flash Player Uninstaller > Press Uninstall > If a window pops up asking for the uninstaller to make changes then press Yes > Press done (A windows will pop up saying successful)
You will need to restart your PC to finish the uninstallation process but before doing this do the following:
4. Open Windows start menu > Type Run > Open ‘Run’ App > Copy and paste each of the directories below into ‘run app’ and press OK > Delete any files in the folder that open with the directories (if any exist)
- C:\Windows\SysWOW64\Macromed\Flash
- %appdata%\Adobe\Flash Player
- %appdata%\Macromedia\Flash Player
5. Restart your PC
6. To check if Adobe Flash Player has been removed click on this link here and go through the checks.