How To Turn On Open File Security Warning In Windows 10

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Open File Security Warning Missing

When you download programs and set up files from the internet on your Windows 10 PC, you will sometimes get an Open File Security Warning window pop up.

This security warning will ask you if you want to Run this File?

If you are missing the Open File warning, or perhaps you have turned it off but want to enable it again, then this can be done within the Windows 10 Internet Properties.

How To enable the Open File Security Warning Window:

1. Open the Windows 10 Start menu and search “Internet Options” > Open Internet Options

2. On The Internet Properties window click the “Security” tab > Click “Internet” then “Custom level”

3. Find “Launching applications and unsafe files” > Change “Launching applications and unsafe files” to Prompt(recommended) > Press OK > Press Apply and OK

4. You will now be prompted with the security window when you run a setup or program downloaded from the internet that Windows 10 is unsure about.

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