How To Get Edge Insider Program In Windows 10

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Download & Test Microsoft Edge Insider

In this post, we will be showing you how you can get into the Microsoft Edge Insider program. This will allow you to download the Beta version of Microsoft Edge, the Dev version of Microsoft Edge, or the Canary Channel version of Edge.

These versions of Microsoft Edge allow you to test out and see what’s features are coming next for Microsoft Edge before they are released to the Edge browser. Below we have listed the steps for downloading these versions of Microsoft Edge.

Downloading Microsoft Edge Insider Versions:

1. First, you need to go here

2. You will now be able to choose which version of Edge you would like to download and install

3. Once the setup file has finished downloading run the setup file

4. Now follow the onscreen steps for installing Edge

5. Once installed you will now be able to launch and test out the insider version of Edge that you chose

There you have it that is how you can easily download and install an insider version of Microsoft Edge. What’s your favourite feature in Edge, let us know in the comments?

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