Windows 11 Turn On Dark Mode

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How To Enable Windows 11 Dark Mode

Don’t like how light and bright Windows 11 and its apps are? Then don’t worry as you can turn on a setting that changes the appearance of Windows 11 into a dark mode with the click of one setting.

This will make Windows 11 not so harsh on the eyes and we find dark mode makes using your desktop and the apps easier to use at night. However, if you want something even better for the night time then try enabling Windows 11 Night Light.

We really liked dark mode in Windows 10 as it gave the operating system a completely fresh new look and feel. So that’s why in this post we have listed the steps below on how you can also enable dark mode in Windows 11, and don`t worry there is no need to make changes to the registry. Like we said before you just need to change one setting.

What Does Dark Mode Do?

As we previously said, enabling dark mode will completely change the appearance of Windows 11 making everything dark. It will change the start menu, taskbar, apps, and it can also make programs use the dark mode if they support it. Check out the screenshot below to get an idea of what dark mode will look like on your computer.

Can You Change Back To Light Mode?

Yes, you can change Windows 11 back to light mode if you don’t like it and you can do this very easily by doing the steps below but changing your mode to Light instead.

Enable Windows Dark Mode On Windows 11 PC Or Laptop:

So now we know that changing the color mode in Windows 11 will transform the look of the operating system to a darker look we can take a look at the steps on how you can do this.

1. Right-click the Start menu icon and select “Settings

2. Now select “Personalisation” > Then click “Colours

3. Next to “Choose your mode” click the drop-down and select “Dark

So there you have it that’s how you make Windows 11 use dark mode. You will now notice that Windows and your apps are using the dark theme colour settings.

Like we said above if you are changing the colour mode in hoping it will help your eyes, then we would suggest you take a look at the night light setting within Windows 11.

We hope you enjoyed this guide if you did then we are sure you will like our other Windows 11 guides here.

Check out the video tutorial here on Dark Mode How To Enable In Windows 11 if you are getting stuck.

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