Forza Horizon 5 Crashing Joining Co-op Races

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Forza Horizon 5 crashing on coop.

In this guide, we will be taking a look at how to fix Forza Horizon 5 crashing when joining co-op races. If you are in a convoy with your friends and decided you fancy doing some co-op races you may have had issues where the convoy leader’s computer or Xbox keeps crashing. Or perhaps one of your friends within the convoy keeps crashing every time when joining in a co-op race. This can be annoying but luckily there is something you can do that should help fix Horizon 5 keep crashing in co-op races.

Forza Horizon 5 is a great open-world racing game with many different things to do. You can even play in a Hot Wheels expansion if you have purchased it. One thing we enjoy doing within Horizon 5 is playing co-op races as players get to keep the progress within the convoy. But if you are having issues with it keep crashing on the loading screen or freezing, then doing the below steps should help.

Related: Forza Horizon 5 crashing on PC

How To fix convoy leader crashing in races in FH5

Below we have listed what you can do that should help resolve some of those crashing problems you are having when playing Forza Horizon 5 co-op mode.

Fix 1: PC graphics

If you are using a computer then lower the graphics within the game. If you have your graphics settings set too high then this could be causing the delay for you to join in a co-op race, causing the game to crash on your PC.:

  • Within Forza Horizon 5 open Settings on the main menu
  • Now Open Graphics then change the Preset setting
Forza Horizon 5 Graphics settings showing graphics preset.

Fix 2: Xbox performance mode

If you are using an Xbox Series X|S then similar to PC, if you are struggling to keep up with the speed on joining co-op with a computer, then change Forza Horizon 5 to use performance mode:

  • Within Forza Horizon 5 open Settings on the main menu
  • Now open Video then change the Graphics Mode to Performance
Setting to change Forza Horizon 5 to performance mode.

Fix 3: Change convoy leader

Change the convoy leader depending on the platform. For example, if the leader is using an Xbox Series X|S and the hardware is better than what the other players in the convoy are using such as an Xbox One or low-spec PC, then they should be the leader. So basically the player with the slowest/lowest spec console or computer should be the leader as the others will load into the game too fast for it to keep up, causing the game to freeze or crash.

We hope the above guide has helped fix Forza Horizon 5 crashing when you are in a convoy when trying to play co-op racing, and you are now able to race with your friends.

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