Lego Brawls Crashing & Not Loading PS5/PS4

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Lego Brawls crashing PlayStation

In this guide, we will be taking a look at how to fix Lego Brawls crashing and not loading on your PS5 or PS4. If you are having issues with Lego Brawls not working on your PlayStation console then don’t panic just yet. As there are a couple of things that you can do that should get the game working again.

The game is finally here for PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 5, and we have been looking forward to playing this game and battling it out with our favourite lego figures! But the thing we enjoy most is lego Brawls local multiplayer and playing a bit of couch co-op.

But the reason you are on this guide is that the game is not working, so we have listed different methods below that you can do that should get you back into Lego Brawls in no time.

Why is Lego Brawls not working?

There can be many reasons why lego brawls is not working on your ps4 or ps5 console. For example, it could be due to not having the latest system update installed, not having enough storage space available, or you need to clear the cache on your console.

How to fix Lego Brawls stuck on loading screen on PS5/PS4

Below we have put together different methods you can do to fix the game.

Fix 1: Shutdown

Do a full shutdown on your PlayStation then unplug the power cable and leave it unplugged for 60 seconds.

Then plug the power cable back in turn on your console, then try the game again.

Fix 2: Update System

Ensure you have the latest system update installed for your PlayStation. Not having the latest update installed could cause issues, plus having the latest version might add new features to your console.


  • First Go to Settings
  • Now select System Software Update
  • Install any updates that are available


  • Open Settings then go to System
  • Select “System Software” and then System Software Update and Settings
  • Next, click on Update System Software to check for updates
PS5 system software and update settings.

Fix 3: Cache

Clear the cache on your PlayStation. This sounds daunting but it’s easy enough to do and can be done within the safe mode.


If you already shut down your PS4 in the first method then you won’t need to do this.

  • First turn off your PS4, unplug the power cable and leave for 60 seconds
  • Plug back in and turn it back on and the cache will be cleared


  • First, turn off your PS5 console
  • Boot in safe mode by pressing and holding the power button and releasing on the second beep
  • Select Clear Cache and Rebuild Database and then Clear System Software cache > Press OK
PS5 safe mode selecting clear system software cache

Fix 4: Database

If there is an issue with your PlayStation database this could be the reason why Lego Brawls is not working. So in the same place as the cache, we can rebuild the console’s database:


  • Turn off your PS4 console completely
  • Now Press and Hold the power button > Let go after the second beep
  • Plug in your controller using the cable and then click on Rebuild Database


  • Turn off your PS5 console completely
  • Now press and hold the power button on your console > Then release when you hear the second beep
  • Select “Clear Cache and Rebuild Database” > Then Rebuild Database
Select Rebuild Database from PS5 Safe Mode menu

Fix 5: Data

If your saved data has unfortunately become corrupted, then this would stop the game from working. But before removing the save file, back it up in case it’s not an issue with your save data. Then you can restore it:

  • Go to Settings then Saved Data and Game/App Settings
  • Select Saved Data > Then select Console Storage
  • Select Lego Brawls and then Delete
Selecting console storage for PS5 saved data

Fix 6: Reinstall

Try deleting the game and then installing it again:

  • Press the Options button on your PlayStation controller when you are hovering on the Lego Brawls game icon
  • Select Delete then reinstall the game
PS5 controller options button game list

We hope the above guide helped fix Lego Brawls not working or loading on your PlayStation, and you can now sit back and enjoy the game.

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