In this guide, we will be taking a look at how you can fix Pokemon GO not working and not opening. The hours that I have spent on this fantastic mobile game, it has to be one of the best game ideas. When I saw the trailer for Pokemon GO I could not wait to play the game.
So if you are having problems with Pokemon GO crashing, not loading, pokestops and map not working, or just generally not working on your Android or Apple phone don’t panic as there are a few things that could be causing the problem so.
I have put together different methods that you can use to troubleshoot and fix Pokemon Go below.
Related: Pokemon Scarlet & Violet not working
How to fix Pokemon GO keeps crashing
Fix 1: Restart your device
The first thing to do is simple I know but restarting your phone can help resolve many issues, so try giving your phone a restart and then try launching Pokemon GO again.
Fix 2: Close background apps
Have you got lots of apps running in the background like Facebook, Instagram, Web browsers, etc. Close all of the apps down as they will be using your phone’s system resources just like Pokemon GO and could also be making the game not work.
Fix 3: Turn on location
Pokemon GO requires your location to be able to play without your location the game will not know where you currently are. This will stop the map from working, pokestops, and cause many other problems with the game so ensure your location is turned on.
Fix 4: Turn off Wifi
If you have the Wifi turned on and also your Mobile data, then turn off the Wifi and use your mobile data only as it could be confusing the game.
Fix 5: Turn on Mobile data
Ensure you have Mobile Data turned on, when you are roaming around there is no guarantee that there will be any Wifi, and if there is the connection might be causing problems so use your Mobile data only.
Fix 6: Update Pokemon GO
Make sure the game is up to date when was the last time you check to see if there is a new update available for Pokemon GO? Niantic might be aware of the issue that you are having and fixed it in a recent update.
Fix 7: Update your device
Check if there are any new updates available for your mobile phone. Android/Apple are always releasing new system updates, and there could be one that resolves the issue that you are having.
I hope the above guide has helped fix Pokemon GO crashing on your device, and you are now able to get out there exploring and catch all the Pokemon your can!