Saints Row Crashing & Won’t Load On PS5/PS4

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Saints Rown crashing PlayStation

In this guide, we have listed easy methods to fix Saints Row crashing & not loading on PS5/PS4. Volition has released the Saints Row reboot so that we can cause havoc and commit crime in Santo Ileso, a fictional city set in southwest America. But the fun soon runs out if Saints Row 2022 gets stuck on the loading screen or keeps crashing on your PlayStation console.

If you have played Saints Row before and are a fan of the action-adventure game, then you will love running with the saints gang and basically just driving and shooting in the game. You may have already used Saints Row Boss Factory to customize your character before the release date.

But if you are having loading or crashing issues in Saints Row Remastered, then this is very annoying. So we have listed ways to try and fix these issues.

Why does Saints Row keep crashing on PS5/PS4?

Is your system software up to date, or have you tried clearing your system cache?

If the answer is no to the above questions then this may be the cause of your Saints Row game not working on your PS console. Whether the game won’t start, just keeps crashing to your home screen, or stuck on loading screen there is usually a reason why. You may even have to wait for a patch for the game to fix the issue.

How to fix Saints Row stuck on loading screen & crashes on PlayStation

Check out the methods below and hopefully one of them will fix the issue you are facing with the Saints Row reboot not working and crashing on your PlayStation 4 or PlayStation 5.

Fix 1: Restart

If your game is stuck on the loading screen or has crashed mid-game, then try a simple restart of either the game or the PlayStation console. It may have just been a one-off issue or glitch.

Fix 2: Game updates

Check to make sure that there are no updates available for the game. A new patch could fix the crashing or loading issue that you are facing in Saints Row:

  • Find the Saints Row game icon on your home screen
  • Press the Options button on your controller
  • Click on “Check for Update”
PS5 game icon menu to check for updates

Fix 3: Software updates

It’s always important to make sure your PlayStation has the latest system updates installed. Not only will this help fix issues with the game, but also fix any error codes you may be getting and improve the general performance of your console.


  • Go to Settings and then System Software Update
  • Install any updates


  • Open Settings then go to System
  • Select “System Software” and then System Software Update and Settings
  • Next, click on Update System Software to check for updates
PS5 system software and update settings.

Fix 4: Clear cache

There could be an issue with your console’s cache that’s causing the game to not load and crash on your PlayStation luckily we can easily clear the cache on a PS4 & PS5.


  • First turn off your PS4, unplug the power cable and leave for 60 seconds
  • Plug back in and turn it back on and the cache will be cleared


  • First, turn off your PS5
  • Boot in safe mode by pressing and holding the power button and releasing on the second beep
  • Select Clear Cache and Rebuild Database and then Clear System Software cache > Press OK
PS5 safe mode selecting clear system software cache

Fix 5: Rebuild database

If there is a problem with your console’s database then this can cause many issues with the system and also cause games to stop working. We can check the database within Safe Mode.


  • Turn off your console completely
  • Now Press and Hold the power button > Let go after the second beep
  • Plug in your controller using the cable and then click on Rebuild Database


  • Turn off your console completely
  • Now press and hold the power button on your console > Then release when you hear the second beep
  • Select “Clear Cache and Rebuild Database” > Then Rebuild Database
Select Rebuild Database from PS5 Safe Mode menu

Fix 6: Saved data

If your saved data has become corrupted then this can cause issues. Just make a backup of your saved data before removing it just in case it’s not an issue with it:

  • Go to Settings then Saved Data and Game/App Settings
  • Select Saved Data > Then select Console Storage
  • Select Saints Row and then Delete
Selecting console storage for PS5 saved data

Fix 7: Reinstall

If none of the above methods helped fix Saints Row on your PlayStation then reinstalling the game should hopefully do the job. If you had the game installed onto an external drive then when reinstalling the game do it to the internal drive:

  • Press the Options button on your PlayStation controller when you are hovering on the Saints Row game icon
  • Select Delete then reinstall the game
PS5 controller options button game list

That’s the end of this guide on how to fix Saints Row PS4 or PS5 crashing and not loading issues. Hopefully, you are back in the game and enjoying it as you should be.

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