How To Get More Information About A Command In CMD (Command Prompt)
Command Prompt has hundreds of commands that allow you to do all sorts of wonderful things within Windows 10.
Sometimes it can get a little overwhelming trying to remember what each command does. But luckily for us, we can get a bit of information on each command and find a list of all the commands within cmd (Command prompt) by doing the below steps.
How To View A List Of All The Commands Within Command Prompt:
1. Open Command Prompt
2. Within CMD just type “help” and press enter
How To Find Out More Information About A Command Within Command Prompt:
1. Open Command Prompt
2. Type in the command you want info on and put a ? after (For example “shutdown ?”)
There you have it you will never forget a thing again within Command Prompt.
Now you know the above two commands, did you know you can change the background colour of CMD? Check out this post to see how.